iLASIK Surgery


100% Customised treatment. Is a precise and effective procedure customised to individual eyes.

It’s proven. Millions of patients have been treated successfully with iLASIK procedure to date worldwide.

It works. LASIK procedures have helped 94% of patients see 20/20 or better and 100% patient to drive without the need of glasses or contact lenses, giving them the freedom to live life without hassle.

Fast recovery with excellent treatment outcome. Patients can expect a fast recovery after iLASIK procedure. 98.5% of patients were satisfied with the outcome of iLASIK procedure.


  1. Abbot data on file.
  2. Knorz MC, Vossmerbaeumer U. Comparison of flap adhesion strength using the Amadeus Microkeratome and the IntraLase iFS Femtosecond Laser in rabbits. J Refract Surg. 2008; 24: 875-878
  3. Steve C. Schallhor, David J. Tanzer, Sandor E. Kaupp, Mitch Brown, Stephanie E. Malady. Comparison of Night Driving Performance after Wavefront-Guided and Conventional LASIK for Moderate Myopia. Ophthalmology 2009; 116: 702-709
  4. Dermoth Mc Grath. “Study suggest femtosecond laser offers advantages over mechanical keratomes in wavefront-guided ablations.” EuroTimes Dec 2005