

A colonoscopy is an examination of your large bowel (colon). This test is a very accurate way of looking at the lining of your large bowel to establish whether there is a disease present. The instrument used in this investigation is a flexible tube called a colonoscope.

A colonoscopy must be preceded by a bowel preparation in order to clear the colon of stool. The colonoscope is inserted into the rectum and advanced slowly and carefully through the entire length of the colon, examining each segment for evidence of disease. The most common conditions encountered include polyps (fleshy growth), diverticulosis (small pouches in the wall of the colon), colitis (irritation/inflammation of the lining) and cancer. Perhaps the most important procedure performed during colonoscopy is the removal of polyps, as colon cancer often arises in polyps.

We recommend, the Endoscopy Screening Packages as an important element in your annual health screening for detecting abnormalities within the Gastro-Intestinal Tract.